Friday, October 23, 2009

Local health experts work to battle STDs - News

"'Gonorrhea, syphilis and yeast infections are all treatable using antibiotics.'

­'If you get syphilis or gonorrhea the antibiotics will kill the bacteria.' said Bartlau.

Students are cautioned to take all of the prescribed medication and not discontinue the antibiotic when symptoms disappear. The danger is that most of the bacteria might be killed, but a few microbes may remain and grow a culture of more resistant bacteria, she said."

Friday, October 16, 2009

St. Paul Legal Ledger

"Statewide HIV rates for Latinos are nearly five times higher than those for non-Latino whites. In 2008, Latinos in Minnesota also were infected with 1,165 new cases of other sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis."

Friday, October 9, 2009

Homosexual Man Suing for Right to Donate Blood Donated While Infected with Syphilis | Tips-Q

"A homosexual man who is suing Canadian Blood Services (CBS) for the right to donate blood was found to be infected with syphilis and gonorrhea after having lied repeatedly on the questionnaire about his sexual history. ..."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beer Raped Your Daughter and Gave Her Gonorrhea. Again. - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

"The Washington Post claimed near-supernatural powers for a tiny beer tax on Monday. A booze tax, write Lloyd I. Sederer and Eric Goplerud, will pay for health care reform. But that's not all!:

Research indicates that a 10 percent increase in current alcohol excise taxes-that is a penny for a beer-would result in less drinking, especially among underage drinkers, reducing rape, robbery, domestic violence and liver disease. A tax increase of 3 cents per beer would cut youth gonorrhea by 9 percent."