We Stumped the Sexpert and She Stumps Us | NYU Local
The day finally arrived. After over a 100 of you voted, I was finally able to take the question of the people to Alyssa La Fosse, NYU’s resident sexpert, and try my best to stump her. Seeing as that question ended up being: “Do you consider yourself better in the act of lovemakin’ than other people who are not sexperts?” This was not that difficult of a task.
What was more difficult, however, was trying to understand how this program put on by NYU’s student health center is an effective one. I’m sure that the email service students can use to ask questions or set up an appointment works fine, but this weekly “County Fair Condom” booth in Kimmel is another story. As much as I would love to ascend a Gone With The Wind-like staircase surrounded by crowds of people, pop a couple tootsie rolls, and find out if that burning sensation in my between my legs, down there is Gonorrhea, I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s not the most popular form of sex education."